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If you are interested in knowing what ticks people or how behavior and emotions extrapolate, then psychology is the subject for your career. It is the study of the human mind and behavior, something that emphasizes how humans think and act, and what happens when the equation goes wrong. Graduating with psychology means being within the radar of highly theoretical and practical understanding of the subject – a close association between academics for knowledge and practicality for real-life understanding.
Psychology includes a wide integration of diverse applied disciplines and involves understanding how humans think, perceive, adapt, and develop with age. It also provides a wholesome apprehension of how exactly the most complex machine imaginable – the human brain – works and what triggers the action, thoughts, and feelings revolving around the network.
Pursuing psychology will imbibe in you an experimental and observational scientific self, up-skilling your ability to measure human behavior, tests, evaluate theories, and research literature. Numerous rounds of classroom learning and practical combinations including case studies, presentational assignments, close encounters with clinical psychology patients, research papers, dedicated internships in leading psycho-analysis firms and expert-led workshops will further enhance your dexterity towards the subject and attain a top-notch position in the industry.
As an age-old valuable field of study, learning psychology will augment your interpersonal skills and help acquire a respectable name as a clinical psychologist, counsellor, high intensity psychotherapist, forensic psychologist, chaplain, neuroscientist, life coach, sports psychologist, among many more, with an average starting salary up to $40K.
During the graduation program, one will get a comprehensive understanding of human mind and behaviour from the world’s most prestigious universities.

  • Psychology and Cognitive Science
  • Numeracy and Quantitative Research
  • Clinical Reasoning
  • Experiential Learning
  • Empathetic Relatedness
  • Strong Assessment and Evaluation

One can also develop theory and practical based soft skills such as critical thinking, abstract reasoning, communication and interpersonal skills, goal setting and prioritizing, time management, problem-solving, and prioritization.

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